Scalp & Hair Rejuvenation

Recommended for client to use a clarifying shampoo prior to appointment. This is not mandatory but we want to start with the least amount of buildup on the scalp as possible.

(This is a good opportunity to bring in hair care for retail!)

  1. Begin with high frequency comb attachment for 5 minutes to scalp
  2. Steam area to be treated
  3. Spray Desembre “Madetox Mist” on the the area to be treated & massage for 5 minutes
  4. Apply hot towel on area to remove all product
  5. Exfoliate the area of scalp in which you’ll be treating, using a fan brush to apply Desembre “Activator AC Control Serum”
  6. Let sit 5 minutes & remove with damp sponge or cotton square
  7. Apply Red light therapy 15 min (if you have it)
  8. Numb if MicroNeedling (optional)
  9. Proceed with NanoNeedling or MicroNeedling with BR Pharm “PN Cell Vitoxidil”. You can mix Vitoxidil with Skin Remedy “illumin-8 serum” for added benefits (but not required)
  10. Cover the head with a plastic disposable shower cap & let sit for 10 minutes
  11. Can gently remove excess serum from hair with a cool towel. Remember, client will be sensitive due to needling. Try to avoid scalp. Client can wash their hair 4 hours post treatment, using caution. Waiting until the next morning is ideal.
  12. Client to use BR Pharm “PN Cell Hanmo Hair Essence” twice per day

* Nano x once per week

* MicroNeedling x once per 2 weeks depending on depth

This protocol is a suggestion & not mandatory.

AAWA is not responsible for any possible adverse reaction & all contraindications is the responsibility of the provider of the service.

Average treatment time of 30-60 min.

Approx treatment price varies based on demographic, client base, modalities used, etc.