Hemp Facial

  1. Cleanse w/ Desembre “Oxy Peel Bubble Mask Cleanser”; remove w/ warm towel
  2. Double Cleanse with Hempeak “Oil Cleanser”; massage for a moment & remove with warm towel
  3. Apply a small amount Hempeak “Facial Oil”; Dermaplane (optional); remove residual oil
  4. Mix Desembre “Enzyme Powder” w/ Hempeak “Toner” using a fan brush to froth to a foam; apply with brush; gently massage for 1 minute; remove after 3 min; Swipe with Hempeak “Toner”
  5. Leaf on dry skin, mode 1 for 5 minutes (optional)
  6. Gently press in a small amount of Hempeak Facial Oil
  7. Apply Hempeak “Sheet Mask” for 10 min
  8. Using Leaf over sheet mask, mode 2 for 5 minutes; remove mask; tap in remaining serum
  9. Apply Hempeak “T Serum” for troubled skin or “R Serum for normal skin
  10. If using “T Serum”, next apply Hempeak “T Fluid”
  11. Apply Hempeak “T or R Moisturizer” based on protocol chosen
  12. Finish with Hempeak “SPF”

*Appropriate for all skin types

This protocol is a suggestion & not mandatory

AAWA is not responsible for any possible adverse reactions & all contraindications is the responsibility of the provider of the service

Estimated treatment time 45-60 min

Approx treatment price varies based on demographic, client base, modalities used, etc

Hempeak is known for their 3 6 9 Golden Ratio. Omega 3 – Strengthens the skins resistance to UV rays; Omega 6 – Helps with problematic skin such as eczema & psoriasis; Omega 9 – Anti inflammatory, lowers chance of acne & breakouts. Also great for sensitive & rosacea prone skin.